(Pics) 1955 Packard
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(Pics) 1955 Packard

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Mike DeTorrice
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Here is Yat Ming's really nice diecast of the beautiful 1955 Packard Caribbean. It was done by YM is several great colors and here it is with both a green accent stripe and a deep pink one, too. I made the white/deep pink/deep brown one into a top-up edition using a slightly modified 1949 1/18 Ford convertible top from Yat Ming.

The 1955-56 Packard was the last of the "real" Packard's (although the Studebaker-based placeholders are very interesting) until their hoped-for (but never materializing) re-design comeback in 1959 and after.

Photo Series 11 10 07 022mod2BZCv2
Photo Series 1 22 13 008mod5XCZ
Photo Series 1 23 13 003mod3XCZ
Photo Series 5 2 07 019mod1BZCv2
Photo Series 11 13 08 003mod1XCZ
Photo Series 11 13 08 008mod6XCZv2
Photo Series 1 22 13 010mod2XCZ
Photo Series 1 23 13 004mod1XCZv2
1955 Packard 1BZCv2

Christopher Moroni
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That up-top looks pretty good and if anyone simply wants a "large scale"  model of a 1955 Packard, this Yatminger  is about it.  Sadly though, I was disappointed to discover how under-scaled this model is.  I bought one right away, but interest faded quickly.  The "1/20 scale"  does line up nicely with their 1953 Carribean (also under-scaled ).

Nice pics though, especially the Metal Mites  body shop!


Steve Jacobs reacted
Bob Jackman
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@chris Chris I agree with your comments. I have the DM and FM models which are true 1/24 scale.

Christopher Moroni
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Posted by: @bob-jackman

@chris Chris I agree with your comments. I have the DM and FM models which are true 1/24 scale.

Yes, those are beautiful models, especially that Danbury 1956 "Ribbie."    I've purchased several Packard models but not those.  I passed many times on that '56.  When secondary market value hits $1,000.00 .... then I'll really want one! 🙄 🙄

Mike DeTorrice
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Thanks, Chris and Bob ! I had assumed that both Caribbeans may be to a higher scale and might have been done to fit into their standard box. But I like Packard Caribbeans and since I either photograph or display my cars generally by themselves the scale issue is not as evident or as vitally important.

I also knew someone on another forum years ago who solely used wheelbase as the only scale mark, when actually many dimensions enter into the picture with (generally) proportion being the more important consideration. I recall one really good diecast, justifiably used as a standard, was actually (in wheelbase) very slightly larger than 1/18 ...... perhaps 1/17.8

A diecast model can be very good in scale overall, but perhaps with just too-tall tires, can look out-of-proportion or just a bit "off".

Of course, many things can enter into the equation. with tires always having to look like their inflated to 250 lbs/sq in and antennas being 2 inches thick, lol ! Revell diecast were beautifully done, but I believe 1/20th was their chosen scale.

Christopher Moroni
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Joined: 27 years ago
Posts: 4847

@mikedetorrice I agree about "sizing to fit the box."  Many vintage "1/25"  plastic promos suffered this fate.  Most 1/18 Revells are in fact true 1/18 scale, but they did produce a 1/20 Master Series, kind of rare today but not too valuable.

When I scale out this 1955 Packard it's definitely too short (length ) and too narrow, but height, more or less, checks out because it sits a bit high. The tires are actually about right.

When compared to a 1955 Cadillac Fleetwood (which should be about a scale 11.4" longer ) the 1955 Packard's shorter & narrower dimensions are obvious. Overall, the YM '55 Packard is an OK "large scale model,"  it's just not 1/18 scale..... sadly. 😔 😔 😕 

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