New Lola for my col...
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New Lola for my collection

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Just received the new Lola T70 MK3B put out by Spark

The model comes in a fancy box that commemorates 100 years of Le Mans and also has it’s own display case and base

This model is of the car that Scuderia Filipinetti ran at Le Mans in 1969 – The car was a DNF but I am a collector of Filipinetti’s cars as well as Lola T70s so this was a ‘must have’ for me.

I find the model to be a very good overall representation of the actual car. The body shape, stance and ride height seem to be in order as is the livery.

I’ve also included a few photos comparing it to the older GMP model

The new Spark model is wider at the wheel wells and the rear air intakes are different as well. Being a newer model, the Spark has superior glass and lights and I think has a more accurately shaped roof, windshield and nose. The new Spark model is without a doubt a better representation of this iconic race car. Word is they are planning on putting out additional versions, including the Penske Sunoco car. My old GMP model may be on E-Bay soon.

Failures? Well first off it is a sealed model so what you see is what you get. They also didn’t spend much time and effort on the engine.

And they did not put any logos on the tires – race photos clearly show that the car ran with Goodyear tires. They also got the ‘BonGrip SPIKES’ logo slightly wrong.

I would have rather done without the fancy box and the display case and got the proper tires instead.

Special thanks to Mint Models who pre–ordered this for me



Christopher Moroni
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Posted by: @franklemire

they did not put any logos on the tires – race photos clearly show that the car ran with Goodyear tires.

Posted by: @franklemire

GMP model may be on E-Bay soon.

- It's surprising Spark omitted Goodyear  logos, which is part of "the look"  for these types of racers, right?

- Sell the GMP?  But this model is not sealed.... Say goodbye to all that detail?

- At any rate, your latest Sparker  looks great, congrats; I'm sure you have your info/display card already made.  😏 😏 

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@chris Not only did I have a label made for it, I already had opened a chronological order slot for it on my Scuderia Filipinetti shelf. As for the detail, I have other GMP Lola's that match the detail of the GMP MK3B and an Exoto that far exceeds it. You are correct about the tires though - I may have to try my luck with decals.

sf detail
misc1   detail

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Great addition & very cool to see all the other Lolas.
