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I attempted to purchase a diecast today from a site called salediecastcar.com, I did a search for a 1/18 scale car and clicked on a link that took me to this site for the car, I filled out my information and as soon as I finished the credit card information and clicked purchase my phone rang from the credit card company alerting me to possible fraud activity. 

The fraudulent purchase was to a furniture company for a lower amount than the diecast purchase was for. I tried to open the link salediecastcar.com in my browser and nothing opens up using just the link. I can still open the page using the link in the search but like the site below the about us describes them as a clothing site not diecast cars. 

So be careful if you click on a link that takes you to a website that calls itself salediecastcar.com it is a fraudulent site that steals credit card information. The bank has cancelled my credit card and is issuing a new one with a different number. 

Popularshoptoys.com may be a sister site that steals credit card information as well, this link takes me to the same page that the fraud was committed with. It will open a web page but the about us describes selling clothes not diecast cars. 

Both websites seem to be the same with some rearranging of links at the bottom of the page and both will have the word Greenlight in the color green at the top of the page. 

I am convinced both of these websites/pages are the same and are set up to commit credit card fraud. 

This topic was modified 4 days ago 2 times by john3976

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Quick update, the charge I made never even showed up, the credit card company has no record of the charge I was making for the car, only the fraudulent charge that was made right after I clicked buy for the diecast shows up. 

The fraudulent charge shows up as PARTNCHID LLC. According to the credit card company this charge was for a furniture store. 

Christopher Moroni
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Posted by: @john3976

from a site called salediecastcar.com,

Thanks for the heads-up John.  Those "jokers"  showed up on Facebook  right after Christmas with sale prices WAY too good to be true.  Glad to hear your credit-card company is ON TOP of things! 

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I did a little more digging and found six sites all related to the same fraud, there are more, this group committing this fraud has many different web pages under different names but when you click on the about us they all talk about clothing. 

Here are six of the web pages they are using to commit their fraud on peoples credit cards and this is only what I pulled up, I am sure there are likely many more. 


IMG 1969
IMG 1970


IMG 1967
IMG 1968


IMG 1971
IMG 1966

I took a photo of these six. 

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Well the fraudsters tried really hard last night by trying to make 7 additional charges on the closed credit card, they show up on my account but because the card has been closed they show up as $0.00. Add in the fraudulent charge of $86 dollars which was stopped that is 8 times they made/tried to make charges on the card. These are the vendors they attempted to charge to so this is something for everyone to keep an eye out for. 


IMG 1972

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IMG 1973
IMG 1974

Be careful. 

This post was modified 4 weeks ago by john3976

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A little update on the fraud committed against my credit card, the credit card company sent me a letter and have concluded that this fraudulent purchase was a valid purchase. I have contacted the credit card company and have disputed this charge again. The fraudulent charge was made by a company by the name of PARTNCHID LLC, I have not been able to find any information about this company with the exception of a site that lists complaints for them all bad and I was able to pull up their business filing from the state of Missouri, this company was formed on 12/19/2023 according to the Missouri Secretary of State website. Outside of this information on PARTNCHID LLC I can't find a website for them.

The credit card company told me that this company claims I ordered night lights. I have never ordered night lights. By night lights I assume they are talking about the plug in night lights people use for low light at night inside the home. The credit card company also told me PARTNCHID LLC has my address and email address, however PARTNCHID LLC did not provide them with who the shipping carrier was that supposedly delivered this night light nor do they have any photos of the package being delivered to the address like Amazon will do and UPS does as well. 

The website that all this started on was salediecastcar.com and after I entered my information in the purchase page when I clicked on the purchase button my phone immediately rang and I answered it and it was my credit card company alerting me to a possible fraudulent purchase and it was from a company called PARTNCHID LLC and the purchase at that time was listed as furniture. 

Here are a couple of photos, one of the website I tried to purchase the car from of their contact page and the second one is PARTNCHID LLC registration with the state of Missouri and is the company that made the fraudulent charge on my credit card the second I clicked on the purchase button on the salediecastcar.com site: 


IMG 2947
IMG 2953


Now this gets interesting I already went over this once but I went back to the six websites that are all very similar and all of them in the About Us link at the bottom of their web pages list them as being involved in fashion/clothing as their main business. 

Here are photos of the other five companies contact us web pages, notice anything about them, six different companies yet all of them with identical format contact us web pages, but look a little closer and you see they are all listed from different states but all of them have the same business hours Monday through Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well with all six companies showing open 7 days a week with identical business hours. 

IMG 2948
IMG 2949


IMG 2951
IMG 2950


IMG 2952

Now I can buy that companies purchased commercial software that could use the same format for this page but what I can't buy is the hours of operation being identical for all six companies 7 days a week. 

Hours of operation for all six companies are Mon to Fri: 10am - 6pm, Saturday: 8am - 6pm and Sunday: 9am - 5pm. 

That does not pass the smell test. I have tried to contact two of these companies by their contact us page and so far I have not gotten a response. I would bet that each one of these websites somewhere ties back to this PARTNCHID LLC. 

Be careful because all of these web sites if you do a search for: 1/18 scale Lotus 87 insert the companies web address after that they all pull up the same Tecnomodel Lotus 87 diecast car with a price from:

$97.99 (salediecastcar.com)

IMG 2954

$95.99 (popularshoptoys.com)

IMG 2955

$96.99 (Closeoutshopshop.com)

IMG 2956

$96.99 (salesglowplug.com) 

IMG 2957

$97.99 (newtoy-onsalepromo.com)

IMG 2958

$96.99 (ridgidtoosshop.com) 

IMG 2959

The last three all pull up a Lotus 87 with ESSEX livery now and the price went up a couple of dollars.

Notice the prices are close together from $95.99 to $97.99. 

Two of the pages will have the name green light on them (salediecastcar.com and popularshoptoys.com) 

One page shows BOSCH yes the same BOSCH that sells tools, appliances, automotive parts etc. (closeoutshopshop.com)

One page shows CROSSRC on the page (salesglowplug.com)

One page has TOY SHOP on the upper left side of the page (newtoy-onsalepromo.com)

One page has LOTUS with a picture of the flower on it (ridgidtoolsshop.com) This one shows the Lotus 91 with TL Team Lotus livery as that was what I entered for that search back on March 1, 2024 when I was trying to figure out this fraud. 


Be Careful. 


This post was modified 4 weeks ago by john3976

Steve Jacobs reacted
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Just a note I mentioned these six websites because my fraud occurred while trying to purchase from the salediecastcar.com site but the prices are all within 2 or 3 dollars of each other, these Tecnomodel cars go for $235 to $300 dollars and sometimes as much as $400 dollars depending on the site and you may have to find them overseas in Europe. 

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I am documenting this here for two reasons to alert others of what happened to me so they might avoid the same scam and two so that I can easily have the information documented and know where to find it quickly. 

I posted this before above but this is from the temporary authorizations page from the credit card companies website on March 1, 2024 and all of these hit after I attempted to purchase the 1/18 scale Lotus 87 from salediecastcar.com. 

As soon as I finished entering all my information to purchase the diecast and I clicked on the purchase button my phone rang right away and I answered it and it was the credit card company alerting me to possible fraud, they told me that a charge for $86 dollars had been made for furniture, I told the person on the phone that I did not make any furniture purchases and explain the purchase I was trying to make at salediecastcar.com. 

This purchase for the diecast was $97.99 never showed on the temporary authorizations page but is what showed up on March 1, 2024 with the first charge being PARTNCHID LLC the fraudulent charge. 

Image 4

Turn5, Inc. followed but was denied because the credit card was immediately cancelled and the rest of the attempted charges were all denied as well due to the card being cancelled. 







all followed, I guess after the eBay attempt they gave up now knowing the card was no longer active. 

Stripe is a payment processing company and they tried to charge that one twice.

Paypal I assume they were trying to purchase something through PayPal or they were trying to do a cash type transfer. 

Amazon, Etsy and eBay as everyone knows sells all kinds of products. 

As you can see the 7 attempted purchases did not go through as all of them were logged as $0.00 and were all after the credit card had been closed. 

The only one that hit was PARTNCHID LLC and it hit when I clicked on the purchase button on the salediecastcar.com website and that purchase for the diecast car never showed up on the temporary authorizations page. 

I have reposted this because I am still fighting this with the credit card company. 

If anyone can run some searches on this PARTNCHID LLC and see if they can come up with anything other than the two links I found one that is for bizapedia.com and it lists several complaints on the company saying it is a scam LLC that steals your information and the only link I can find is opencorporates.com which goes to opencorporates showing PARTNCHID LLC was started on December 19, 2023 filing number 16364038 and showing that the LLC Resignation occurring on April 3, 2024 with a filing number 16503510. 

The state of Missouri Secretary of State shows PARTNCHID LLC formed on 12/19/2023 Charter No. LC014513683 and the status Active. 

This page shows up on the Secretary of States website for PARTNCHID LLC and is the Resignation occurring on April 3, 2024:

IMG 2961

Here are the documents showing when the LLC was started on December 19, 2024: 


IMG 2962
IMG 2963


IMG 2964

From the resignation letter I don't think this is an active LLC anymore because they did not provide the missing address information and in fact appears to have put the secretary of states address on the form where the LLC address was supposed to go. But just starting this and getting the original certificate would be enough for them to set up a company to get a business bank account established which is really all they need to commit their frauds. 

I will update as more information is found out. 

This post was modified 4 weeks ago by john3976

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This was fast, I tried to email this PARTNCHID LLC from the email on the form this LLC was set up with on the secretary of state of Missouri and the email is not valid. 


IMG 2965

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What a pain this is, I went back to the Secretary of State of Missouri website and this letter of Resignation of the LLC has to be completed by June 1, 2024 or the LLC will be resolved by the Secretary of State of Missouri. So they still have a few more days to get this updated but seeing as how their email address is not valid I highly doubt they intend to update this information and will let the LLC be de-solved as they no longer need it to set up any accounts they need to have such as bank account and such. 

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Here is more information from a site opencorporates.com: 


IMG 2966

I have a feeling that this PARTNCHID LLC will be de-solved come June 1, 2024. If you go to this site from a search of PARTNCHID LLC you can open the links and do some limited searches for information on this company and you can get to the SOS of Missouri by clicking their link and you can pull up PARTNCHID LLC on their site which is were I get the letters above and certificate. 

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I contacted the Secretary of State of Missouri and if PARTNCHID LLC does not respond by June 1, 2024 the LLC is de-solved, they said it might take a few days to hit the website of the Secretary of State but at that point it will show as no longer active. I will be keeping an eye on that as that is only a few days away and my bet is they are not correcting this address/contact information. The address comes back to a house in Sedalia, Missouri, it is a two story house built in 1920 and on Zillow it shows as no mortgage owed. I bet donuts to dollars that this is a bogus company that was set up. 

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Here is a little more information on PARTNCHID LLC and the six websites I found that are likely linked to PARTNCHID LLC to pull off their scams. There are many more websites linked to PARTNCHID LLC besides the six that I have found. I have tried contacting all six of the websites listed below and none of them have responded back to me. Notice the addresses for each of them they have included in all but the one with an address in Ohio the words "United States (US)" while the Ohio one they only put "USA" following the zip code. 

Notice the business classification for the PARTNCHID LLC company business is listed as Clothing, Shoes, Hats, E-Commerce, Treading. 

Notice all the ABOUT US descriptions for each of the websites is basically clothing/fashion. 



Company Number C014513683

Status Actve

Incorporation Date Please log in to see this data

Company Type Limited Liability Company

Jurisdiction Missouri (US)

Business Classification Text COMPANY BUSINESS: CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, E-


Agent Name (Secretary of State)

Directors / Officers 2 officers available, please log in to see this data

Registry Page Please log in for link to primary source

Recent filings for PARTNCHID LLC

3 Apr 2024 (This is the date the Agent Resignation letter was sent to PARTNCHILD LLC because they used the Missouri Secretary of State as their contact, PARTNCHID LLC has until June 1, 2024 to correct this or PARTNCHID LLC will be de-solved by the Missouri Secretary of State)


19 Dec 2023 (Date PARTNCHID LLC was registered with the state of Missouri)


Source Missoun Secretary of State, https://www.sos.mo.gov/business, 12 May 2024




2918 Don Jackson Lane
Honolulu HI, United States (US)


Mon to Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm

THE Greenlight shop We offer a great selection of menswear, womenswear, children’s wear, all kinds of beauty products, and things for the home. You can also find stationery, electronic gadgets, snacks, toys, hardware, and fun souvenirs here.

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692 Polk Street
Tucson AZ, United States (US)


Mon to Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm

We’ve been serving customers some of the best deals and discounted fashion online since 2007. We’re unique in the marketplace, offering thousands of new styles, authentic brands and a huge variety of fashion for the whole family. Stock runs out quickly, so if you see something you like, buy it! We want to exceed your expectations by giving you great value from a trusted source. Plus, our deals are too good to pass up! We hope you love Greenlight shop and truly enjoy your shopping experience with us!

Need help with something? Email us at admin@popularshoptoys.com or call us at 6am – 8pm PT.




4770 Balboa Way
Fremont CA, United States (US)


Mon to Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm


Welcome to http://www.closeoutshopshop.com, where you can find thousands of popular designed clothes with high-quality.

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A team with vigor and vitality, self-dependent design team, experienced raw material purchasing department as well as mature supply chains, all of these enable Bosch Shop to accelerate its pace into a global online retailer.

Email: admin@closeoutshopshop.com




48 Farm Meadow Drive
Tucson AZ, United States (US)


Mon to Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm

We’ve been serving customers some of the best deals and discounted fashion online since 2007. We’re unique in the marketplace, offering thousands of new styles, authentic brands and a huge variety of fashion for the whole family. Stock runs out quickly, so if you see something you like, buy it! We want to exceed your expectations by giving you great value from a trusted source. Plus, our deals are too good to pass up! We hope you love Cross Rc Parts shop and truly enjoy your shopping experience with us!

Need help with something? Email us at admin@salesglowplug.com or call us at 6am – 8pm PT.





192 Thurman Ave, Columbus, OH 43206, USA


Mon to Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm

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We hope sincerely that all of you can be benefited from our service, and hope that you can give us your valuable suggestions of any time in any form. http://www.newtoy-onsalepromo.com is willing to get greater success with all of you.

Our Mission

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3005 High Meadow Lane
Mansfield PA, United States (US)


Mon to Fri: 10am – 6pm
Saturday: 8am – 6pm
Sunday: 9am – 5pm

Established in 2000, Lotus shop is the world’s leading online store for fashion, design and art that lasts a lifetime and beyond. For those who love the thrill of the find, Lotus shop inspires men and women around the world to express their personal style through a wide selection of well-made yet accessible pieces to cherish season after season. These include hard-to-find clothing and accessories for men and women from the world’s most prestigious designers as well as kidswear, a unique selection of home design objects and exclusive collaborations with internationally renowned artists.

Encouraging conscious and responsible shopping has been central to Lotus shop’s philosophy since it launched more than 20 years ago, helping customers to be kinder to the planet by investing in fashion with longevity.

Available in more than 100 countries with 10 languages, Lotus shop provides a seamless shopping experience across all devices with easy returns and multi-lingual customer care 24/7, 365 days a year. With the desire to engage and stay in touch with customers all over the world,Lotus shop’s social base grows and develops with new interaction formulas in search of continuous dialogue and open exchange with respect to trends and interaction between people in every corner of the world.


Christopher Moroni
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The world of LLCs can be very shady to say the least. Many are created as "fronts"  for a host of questionable behaviors. 

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